All-Inclusive Nationwide Background Check Report
Alias & Former Names Searched
- SSN Trace, Names, Aliases & Address history
- Nationwide Criminal Database Search based on user input plus searches aliases, former/maiden names found on SSN ID report
- National Sex Offenders based on user input plus searches aliases, former/maiden names found on SSN ID report
- USA/SDN/OFAC Patriot Act databases based on user input plus searches aliases, former/maiden names found on SSN ID report
- This report is normally completed the same day or by a.m. next business day
- Price $38
If using this search for employment or rental purposes, FCRA guidelines require that you verify any criminal record found from a database search with a county court criminal search to obtain the most accurate and updated criminal offense case status. Criminal charges can sometimes be sealed, expunged or pleaded down from the original prosecutor charge.
In order to bring you the most comprehensive and up-to-date criminal database search, our criminal report may have the same case listed multiple times. This is due to criminal data extracted from state sources (i.e., Department of Corrections, Admin Office of the Courts, Department of Public Safety, etc.) and individual county court sources. Be sure to review the case number and filing date. In addition, some municipalities may have the original case listed at the lower court level and then transferred to upper courts for final disposition such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia to name a few.
Tip: Utilize aliases and former names derived from address history trace report when following up this report with other types of criminal searches such as county court, federal USDC courts, and premium state real-time criminal searches.
Using this search for hiring or rental purposes? Our FCRA compliant version of this search may be best suited.
On the sample background report below, the client provided the name “Mary Thompson”, yet criminal records were found under her former names “Mary Smith” and “Mary Garcia”. Had this been a criminal search using traditional methods, criminal records would have only been found for applicant’s original name input, not former names/aliases.
Background Report
Search Information Provided
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Results should be reviewed prior to making any decision

To view SSN Trace, Name, Aliases & Address History, please go to “Detailed View” page for your applicant, Under Search Types, click “Instant SSN Trace Past Address History”, a green “Complete” link will show on right-side, click to view.
- In compliance with FCRA guidelines, this SSN Trace service can only be viewed from your secure account separate from the criminal background check report. See “how-to” image. In other words, it cannot be sent to an applicant along with derogatory criminal search results in the event of any adverse action rejection letter. You may, however, print it for internal control purposes.
- FCRA and Non-FCRA reports should be separated because consumers have certain rights with respect to consumer reports (including dispute process, requiring CRA to investigate) that do not apply to SSN Trace service. Because the SSN Trace service is considered a Non-FCRA product, it cannot be combined with FCRA products in the same report
Information from the SSN Trace service is to be used for research purposes only to help you verify names, aliases, DOBs & jurisdictions for FCRA county and state criminal searches as it is not part of the FCRA process.


Sources Searched:
- 10 Year Nationwide Criminal Database Records
- National Sex Offender Registry
- USA Patriot Act OFAC/SDN/FINRA/EPL Sanctions (100% Scoring)
- Global Watch List
- Canadian Sanctions List
Did you know? Criminal database searches are cross-searched based on first, last name and exact DOB input. At the very least, it is very important that you verify correct name spelling and exact DOB reflected in driver’s license. Otherwise, you may get false-negative results. If the search subject has any previous former names or aliases, it is strongly recommended to additionally search those aliases.
Please Read: Note that in addition to criminal charges such as felonies and misdemeanors, our database search may also include traffic infractions and municipal ordinances that are not considered criminal offenses. Please carefully review each case accordingly.
FCRA: Be aware that any criminal cases found on a nationwide criminal database may have been sealed or expunged at the county court level and therefore cannot be used to make an employment decision. In compliance with the FCRA, criminal database searches should be verified by a county court and/or a real-time statewide criminal search to obtain the most recent case status. Criminal database searches may not include all levels of criminal records in all states. View the full list of criminal data sources simultaneously searched.
Users should consult State and Federal laws before using this information in making decisions on hiring or firing of employees. All searches are subject to legal restrictions, terms of use, and applicable law. By requesting any search, you certify that you are in, and assume full responsibility for, compliance with the legal restrictions and agree to indemnify, defend and hold BCS Background Screening, LLC and affiliates harmless from any breach of any law by you, your agents or contractors and any damages, fees, and costs associated therewith.
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