Criminal County Court

County Criminal Court Report

The county courthouse is the originating source for criminal records. FCRA guidelines require that employment or rental decisions must be based on accurate and updated information. Thus, the county court is where you can obtain information about case details and most recent disposition such as a felony pleaded down to a misdemeanor, case sealed or expunged, etc. Oftentimes, criminal database searches only show original charge filed without any updates to disposition after the fact. The key element to look for is the final disposition (court’s final determination of a case) when screening an applicant.

Search Tip: If known aliases or former maiden names exist, it is recommended to also process search using those identifiers.

Results of a County Criminal Search

Jurisdiction Searched: Cook, IL
Name Searched: Marcy T. Gallagher
DOB Searched: 05/28/****
SSN Searched: 123-45-****
Search ID: 8958742
Date Ordered: 11/17/2017
Date Completed: 11/18/2017
Status: Record Found

Charge 1 – Driving Under The Influence

Disposition: Pled Guilty
Type of Crime: Misdemeanor
Sentence: 60 Days Jail – 57 Days Suspended
$720.10 Fines/Costs
1 Year Probation Comments: 10/18/2014: Probation Complete

Case Number: CRMD261524896
Verified By: Name and DOB
Full Name on File: Gallagher, Marcy Theresa
DOB on File: 05/28/****
Arresting Agency: Cook County Police
Disposition Date: 07/21/2014
Offense Date: 06/18/2014
Records Searched: 7 years – Felony and Misdemeanor

Charge 2 – Resisting Arrest w/o Violence

Disposition: Dismissed by Prosecutor
Type of Crime: Misdemeanor