Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS)
The Conviction Database is public record information extracted from the DPS Computerized Criminal History System (CCH). The information contained in CCH is only public if a conviction or deferred adjudication has been reported to the Department on an offense.
- Felonies and misdemeanors
- Criminal cases updated daily
- Turnaround time is 24 hours or less
- Price $20.00 + Repository Fee
View other States
Employment Screening Laws in Texas
The State of Texas employs the recommended rules and regulations standard policies of the hiring guidelines established by the Fair Credit Report Act (FCRA). Texas observes a seven-year restriction when processing FCRA criminal searches for employment screening. The seven-year limitation applies to the most recent date entry on the case docket.
About Texas 7 year criminal records limitation
- If a job position offers $75,000 or less per year, criminal arrests and convictions beyond seven years cannot be used against potential employment candidate
- If a job position offers $75,000 or more per year, the seven-year time limit does not apply
- Specific security-clearance positions may be exempt from the seven-year limitation
Texas law also allows applicants to deny the existence of any criminal records that have been expunged by a court order. Texas law lists several situations in which a criminal record may be expunged. For example, an arrest record may be expunged if the person is subsequently acquitted of the offense or if the offense is pardoned following a conviction.
Austin, TX
- Background check only after a conditional offer of employment
- Background checks only required for some positions
- Incorporates EEOC criteria in individualized assessment
- The ordinance applies to public and private employers (at least 15 employees whose primary working location is in the city.)
Dallas, TX
- The administrative policy applies to county
- Incorporates EEOC criteria in individualized assessment
- Right to appeal a denial of employment
San Antonio, TX
The policy applies to civilian job application, which excludes the fire and police departments
Travis County, TX – Austin, TX area
The administrative policy applies to county
- Background check only after the applicant selected for hire
- Background checks only required for some positions
- Incorporates EEOC criteria in individualized assessment
Remember that an employer must always consider EEOC guidance when making a hiring decision. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) calls for companies to conduct an Individualized Assessment based on the nature of the offense and how it relates to the job position prior to automatically disqualifying an employment applicant based on their past criminal records history.
When determining whether a criminal offense would disqualify a potential employment candidate, employers must give consideration to:
- The nature and gravity of the criminal offense
- How much time has passed since the offense or sentence
- The nature of the job (including where it is performed, how much supervision and interaction with others the employee will have, etc.)
The EEOC has stated that employers ought to give job seekers with a criminal record the opportunity to explain the circumstances and provide mitigating information showing that the employee should not be excluded based on the nature of the offense.
Disclaimer: All resources in this informational article are intended for basic informative purposes and to serve as initial guidance. It is strongly recommended to always check with your legal counsel before proceeding as new laws may emerge from federal and local municipalities after the date of this article.
What Data Can I Search?
Arrests, prosecutions, and the disposition of the case for persons arrested for Class B misdemeanor or greater violation of Texas criminal statutes. The statute identifies many of the actual data elements. In addition, although not required by statute, CCH has traditionally included limited supervision data reported to DPS by Texas Department Criminal Justice.
Texas DPS Criminal Records Report
Date Last Updated 9/4/2014
Sex: Male Race: White Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic
Height: 5’10” Weight: 192 Lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Place Of Birth: United States Of America
Name(S): Smith, Charles Ferdinand (Primary)
Smith, Charlie
Smith, Fern
Birth Date(S): 04/18/1978 (Primary)
Arrest Summary
Date Of Arrest Sequence Code Tracking Number Agency Description
10/8/2010 A 1234567899 Harris Co Constables Office Pct 8 Houston
8/8/2012 A 1025428879 Brazoria Co So Angleton
Arrest Date 10/8/2010 (1 Charges)
Arrest Date 10/8/2010
Sequence Code A
Tracking Number 1234567899
Arresting Agency Harris Co Constables Office Pct 8 Houston (Tx1015300)
Arrest Date 10/8/2010 (Charge A001)
Agency Harris Co Constables Office Pct 8 Houston (Tx1015300)
Internal Agency Case Number 082256458752
Arrest Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Arrest Offense Literal Tx1015300100140182
Arrest Offense Citation 49.04
Level And Degree Of Offense Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Date Of Offense 10/8/2010
Arrest Disposition Date 10/9/2010
Arrest Disposition Held (205)
Prosecutor Ori Referred To District Attorneys Office Houston (Tx101015A)
Agency District Attorneys Office Houston (Tx101015A)
Prosecutor Action Field Prosecutor Accepts The Charge (A)
Prosecutor Offense Citation 49.04
Prosecutor Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Level And Degree Prosecuted Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Agency Description County Criminal Court At Law No 5 Houston (Tx101353J)
Court Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Court Offense Citation 49.04
Level And Degree Offense Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Court Disposition Convicted (310)
Court Disposition Date 8/24/2011
Date Of Sentence/Status 8/24/2011
Cause Number 171196901010
Final Pleading Guilty (G)
Court Confinement 0Y
Court Probation 15M
Court Fine $750
Agency Receiving Custody County Criminal Court At Law No 5 Houston (Tx1010000)
Multiple Sentences Code Concurrent (Cc)
Agency Description County Criminal Court At Law No 5 Houston (Tx101353J)
Court Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Court Offense Citation 49.04
Level And Degree Offense Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Court Disposition Probation Revocation (398)
Court Disposition Date 4/10/2012
Date Of Sentence/Status 4/10/2012
Cause Number 171196901010
Final Pleading Guilty (G)
Court Confinement 40D
Agency Receiving Custody County Criminal Court At Law No 5 Houston (Tx1010000)
Multiple Sentences Code Concurrent (Cc)
Arrest Date 8/8/2012 (2 Charges)
Arrest Detail
Arrest Date 8/8/2012
Sequence Code A
Tracking Number 1025428879
Arresting Agency Brazoria Co So Angleton (Tx0200000)
Arrest Date 8/8/2012 (Charge A001)
Agency Brazoria Co So Angleton (Tx0200000)
Internal Agency Person Number Dj015663
Internal Agency Case Number 154072
Arrest Offense Evading Arrest Det W/Veh (48010020)
Arrest Offense Citation 38.04(B)(2)(A)
Level And Degree Of Offense Felony – State Jail Felony (Fs)
Arrest Disposition Date 8/9/2012
Arrest Disposition Held (205)
Prosecutor Ori Referred To Criminal District Attorneys Office Angleton (Tx020015A)
Prosecution Detail
Agency Criminal District Attorneys Office Angleton (Tx020015A)
Prosecutor Action Field Prosecutor Accepts The Charge (A)
Prosecutor Offense Citation 38.04(B)(2)(A)
Prosecutor Offense Evading Arrest Det W/Veh (48010020)
Level And Degree Prosecuted Felony – State Jail Felony (Fs)
Court Status A
Agency Description 23Rd District Court Angleton (Tx020015J)
Court Offense Evading Arrest Detention (48010017)
Court Offense Citation 38.04(B)
Level And Degree Offense Misdemeanor – Class A (Ma)
Court Disposition Convicted (310)
Court Disposition Date 8/8/2013
Date Of Sentence/Status 8/8/2013
Cause Number 68705
Final Pleading Guilty (G)
Court Confinement 0Y0M1D
Court Costs 262
Agency Receiving Custody 23Rd District Court Angleton (Tx0200000)
Multiple Sentences Code Concurrent (Cc)
Arrest Date 8/8/2012 (Charge A002)
Offense Record
Agency Brazoria Co So Angleton (Tx0200000)
Internal Agency Person Number Dj015663
Internal Agency Case Number 154072
Arrest Offense Driving While Intoxicated 2Nd (54040010)
Arrest Offense Citation 49.09 (A)
Level And Degree Of Offense Misdemeanor – Class A (Ma)
Arrest Disposition Date 8/9/2012
Arrest Disposition Held (205)
Prosecutor Ori Referred To Criminal District Attorneys Office Angleton (Tx020015A)
Prosecution Detail
Agency Criminal District Attorneys Office Angleton (Tx020015A)
Prosecutor Action Field Prosecutor Accepts The Charge (A)
Prosecutor Offense Citation 49.09 (A)
Prosecutor Offense Driving While Intoxicated 2Nd (54040010)
Level And Degree Prosecuted Misdemeanor – Class A (Ma)
Court Status A
Agency Description Brazoria County Court At Law 4 Angleton (Tx020143J)
Court Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Court Offense Citation 49.04
Level And Degree Offense Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Court Disposition Convicted (310)
Court Disposition Date 8/5/2013
Date Of Sentence/Status 8/5/2013
Cause Number 197312
Final Pleading Guilty (G)
Court Confinement 0Y0M180D
Court Probation 0Y15M0D
Court Fine 600
Court Costs 404
Agency Receiving Custody Brazoria County Court At Law 4 Angleton (Tx020015G)
Court Status B
Agency Description Brazoria County Court At Law 4 Angleton (Tx020143J)
Court Offense Driving While Intoxicated (54040009)
Court Offense Citation 49.04
Level And Degree Offense Misdemeanor – Class B (Mb)
Court Disposition Probation Revocation (398)
Court Disposition Date 8/5/2013
Date Of Sentence/Status 7/24/2014
Cause Number 197312
Final Pleading Guilty (G)
Court Confinement 0Y0M50D
Court Costs 72
Agency Receiving Custody Brazoria County Court At Law 4 Angleton (Tx0200000)
The information contained in this record reflects only information contained in the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Contact the contributing agency for specific or additional information regarding charges or dispositions. The contents of this record are confidential and intended for dissemination only to criminal justice agencies or other individuals or agencies authorized by law to receive criminal history record information. DPS cannot guarantee the records you obtain through this site relate to the person about whom you are seeking information. Searches based on names, date of birth and other alphanumeric identifiers are not always accurate. The only way to positively link someone to a criminal record is through fingerprint identification. It is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information. Extreme care should be exercised in using any information obtained from this Texas criminal records site.
View State of Texas Criminal Arrest statistics and year by year comparison.